Can You Make the Switch from Successful Solo Entrepreneur to Inspirational Company Leader?

Life as a solo entrepreneur offers an amazing amount of freedom. You can pursue your own projects and work however and whenever you want. The only restriction is the need to put money into your bank account.

Nonetheless, there comes a time in the career of every successful entrepreneur when you need to take on staff to push the business forward. The success of your venture then comes down to being able to motivate your employees and get the best out of them.

Do you have what it takes to become an inspirational leader? Here are the qualities you’ll need.

Honesty and Integrity 

Your team needs to know where they stand when they’re dealing with you, and this means they should be able to take you at your word. If they don’t trust and respect you, they’re not going to give their all.

Communication Skills 

As a driven entrepreneur you’ll naturally have a clear idea of where your business is going. But you can’t take it for granted that others will share your vision or understand your aims. Communicating your plans and ideas is essential to focus your staff’s energies in the right direction.

Confidence and Positivity 

No venture can avoid hiccups and setbacks. When things are tough, your team will be looking to you to hold things together. Even if you have private worries, you need to fill your employees with confidence and positivity.

Creativity and Intuition 

As a leader you’ll sometimes need to ignore the rule book when faced with a complex problem. Can you come up with original ideas which your team can then implement?

Ability to Delegate Effectively 

But strong leaders also trust their employees and are happy to let them work alone. If you try to micromanage every aspect of your team’s work you’ll burn yourself out, demoralize staff, and stunt your company’s overall dynamism.

However, delegation isn’t just about handing work down to your staff. For the best results, it’s vital to take each employee’s skills and preferences into account when choosing which work to delegate and to whom.

Willingness to Get Your Hands Dirty 

A leader should always be willing to become part of the team when circumstances require it. Getting your hands dirty on the front line of your business builds respect and loyalty.


Your team needs to know they can come to you with any issue. They mustn’t be nervous about admitting problems or mistakes, and they need to know their concerns will be taken seriously.


Lastly, as a leader the buck stops with you and you’ll need to take difficult decisions from time to time. You’ll also often need to decide which of your team member’s competing suggestions to implement, and to mediate disagreements. You need to be strong but fair, and be willing to upset staff if necessary.

Successful entrepreneurs are defined by their ability to follow their own path. However, making the transition from solopreneur to effective and inspirational leader isn’t always straightforward.

Keep It Real,

Mark Lyford

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