[PATIENCE & TIMING] I’ve learned a lot about patience and timing over the last years.

I’ve learned a lot about patience and timing over the last years. There is a fine line between being patient and complacent. But, timing is everything. Be too early in your vision and you would fuck it up as I did. Being patient and waiting for the right time and not rushing to be the

[PATIENCE & TIMING] I’ve learned a lot about patience and timing over the last years. Read More »

The 10 ‘D’ Characteristics You’ll Need to Hone to be Successful as an Entrepreneur

If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, it is imperative you focus on your character. Successful business builders put as much effort into honing their character as they do into building their companies. If you want to significantly increase your chances of entrepreneurial success, there are a number of ‘d’ characteristics you need to

The 10 ‘D’ Characteristics You’ll Need to Hone to be Successful as an Entrepreneur Read More »

Can You Make the Switch from Successful Solo Entrepreneur to Inspirational Company Leader?

Life as a solo entrepreneur offers an amazing amount of freedom. You can pursue your own projects and work however and whenever you want. The only restriction is the need to put money into your bank account. Nonetheless, there comes a time in the career of every successful entrepreneur when you need to take on

Can You Make the Switch from Successful Solo Entrepreneur to Inspirational Company Leader? Read More »

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