[CRYPTO / BITCOIN] Let’s cut through the bullshit! My take on the market the future for the rest of 2019 going into 2020.

[CRYPTO / BITCOIN] Let’s cut through the bullshit! My take on the market the future for the rest of 2019 going into 2020.  Things look better, but, remember one word…. MANIPULATION… I’m seeing all these new ‘experts’ with their predictions of prices… Let me tell you. Most of them you will see are full of shit.. There will be no $1M BTC price within 3 years. Let’s get real. Like I say things are looking better, but don’t get lured into the bullshit that has resurfaced in the last few months. I’ve been in this market for over 6 years now and been hit more times than I would care to remember. I fully believe in crypto and the future it has, I believe the price of Bitcoin will one day be over $100K, but I’m realistic. I know the markets are STILL manipulated. Something else I have learned to my cost in the last 12 months. Throw any technical analysis and charts out the window when it comes to crypto. They re not worth anything. This is not the stock market or forex. The same rules don’t apply.

I’m sharing my thoughts, some interesting facts and my take on where we are at.

Keep It Real,

Mark Lyford


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