Armando – The worlds most expensive racing pigeon just sold to someone in China! The whole auction raised ¢2,400,000 for their owner. I watched the auction live the bird was sat ¢540,000 for a few days then it all went mental! During the last hour of the auction, two Chinese buyers entered a bidding war for this special bird.
You can listen to me talking to Iain Lee on Talk Radio about the sale of Armando and the sport of racing pigeons here

The sport is a
At the age of 12 years old I was hooked. I’d always loved animals and owned everything but a dog. One day I saw a flop of racing pigeons blasting through the sky near my house and that was it… I was hooked.
I went to find the man who owned the birds. When I found him I made a friend straight away. I used to spend hours around Bob’s place with his birds. Eventually, I managed to persuade my parents to allow me to get my own pigeon loft. Bob gave me my first 12 pigeons to start me off. This was my entry into a passion that I still hold today.
Being the entrepreneur I was, even back then my passion for racing pigeons soon sparked something else in me. There was a business to be made out of this.
I ended up making brokering and buying and selling racing pigeons my first ever business. I was shipping birds as far as Japan!
I said back in 1988 that one day we would see £1,000,000 racing pigeon and it finally has happened!
I don’t keep pigeons at the moment but that will change for sure in the near future. I plan to
Despite the stigma and negative image pigeon racing has its a worldwide sport now days with the biggest growth being in China (That’s where Armando’s new home will be) The sport in the Uk and Ireland has declined since I was a kid doing it and that’s something I would like to help change.
There is no better feeling than seeing these amazing birds fly back to you from hundreds of miles away!
Once pigeons have hooked you they are in your blood for life! That’s certainly the case for me. Racing Pigeons is a passion and will be a hobby of mine for years to come.
I am determined to bring the sport closer together and as a
I am also launching a brand new site to promote the sport internationally you can check it out here at
Keep it real and keep flying!
Mark Lyford