Once we played snake. Now we navigate virtual reality.

Remember the days of the Snake game? When you were trying to beat your best record? If someone told me than that we would be able to have apps and literally live our lives on our phones, I would have thought they’re mad.

Fast forward a few (not that long) years…There are jobs out there that didn’t exist ten years ago. Even five years ago.

We still do the same things: we buy stuff, we invest, we use planes, trains and automobiles <wink emoji>, health, fitness, education…I could go on….What’s changed is HOW WE DO IT. We now have:

* Social Media Managers/Marketers: Facebook ads, Insta reels, TikTok trends;

* SEO Specialists (Search Engine Optimisation): Curated content, key words to put your website at the top of searches;

* App Developer: There’s an app for everything nowadays;

* Uber Driver: The job that uses an app only;

* Podcast producer: smartphones have given us the option to listen to so much stuff on the go;

* Online fitness instructor: Remained so popular even after the Covid pandemic

I could go on and on. So what’s in store next? Who knows…But here are my thoughts about potential careers in the years to come:

* Virtual Reality Specialists (Architects, Interior Designers, Tutors etc): the recent Apple launch of their mixed reality handset was loved by some and loathed by others. But one thing is certain: it is here to stay. Check out on BBC ‘Your Home Made Perfect’, where two architects use virtual reality to help people remodel their homes. Fascinating stuff!

* AI Ethical Specialist: the popularity of AI generated images and content since the surge of ChatGPT has raised many issues in relation to copyright or mastering skills that may take humans (sometimes) a lifetime. So I can see a lot of regulation required in the years to come to ensure that human work and rights are protected.

* Drone handlers: although drones have been around for a few good years now, their popularity has been increased by the recent war in Ukraine, where drones are used by both parties. In the UK there is a company that specialises in scattering ashes by drone, which I think it’s pretty cool. Check them out:  https://www.aerialashes.co.uk/

* Vertical Farmers: There’s no secret that with the population growing at a rapid pace, there is less and less terrain available for farming. Vertical farming has been gathering a lot of pace and interest around the world. There are some great videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=vertical+farming

* Space Tourism Guide: Yeah, it will be here soon folks. Watch this space <insert emoji with palm slapping head)

What’s your career predictions?

Keep It Real, 

Mark Lyford

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